Men's Fashion Accessory Worn as Women's Bracelet

"Real men don't wear jewelry."

Or how virtually…

"I don't think I could pull that off."

Accept you e'er heard those excuses?

I hear them all the fourth dimension.

Gentleman, it is BS.

I understand many guys are not comfortable wearing jewelry.

And there is a right and wrong way to exercise it.

Just there are several excuses that I come across as cop outs.

It comes downwardly to conviction!

Which is why I wrote this article.

Today'due south postal service will discuss seven mistakes that men make when wearing jewelry…AND how to set up them.

1. Non Wearing Jewelry With Confidence

men's bracelets

As a homo of fashion, it'southward ok to push your boundaries a scrap. Many guys don't article of clothing jewelry because they're not confident in it. That's ok. All it takes is a bit of practice, but how?

Go visit the jeweler or a section store and endeavour stuff on. It's called window shopping. By doing this, yous will get used to how yous look in the pieces.

Many of the sales persons at jewelers are extremely knowledgeable about their products. It can, oft times, exist a very pleasant feel. It's nearly building your confidence and that can only be done by getting out there and experimenting.

If yous are in this bucket, you want to outset with clean and crisp pieces. If yous kickoff trying on rings and bracelets that are really ornate, you might get overwhelmed and turned off. Go on it unproblematic in the outset and then (perchance) you can graduate to more elaborate items.

two. Not Paying Attending to Your Environment

men in suit wearing watch

For the guys who don't listen sporting accessories, make sure that they are situationally appropriate. The environs is everything and when wearing jewelry information technology's important that y'all pay attention to the rules or the full general conventions. For example:

  • Funerals – funeral outfits are not worn to get attention then any jewelry worn should be subtle so that you lot remain respectful
  • At work/interview – ever consult the apparel lawmaking at your place of business organization and follow it. Keeping your jewelry modest is your safest bet as you don't want to come up across as unprofessional and braggadocios…peculiarly in an interview
  • Schoolhouse – For students who nourish a learning institution with a specific clothes code, jewelry may have a limit. Also, specific programs in college or graduate/professional school might have some set guidelines and expectations. Majors such every bit business organisation, law, and political scientific discipline might subscribe to strict professional wearing apparel codes.

3. Over-Accessorizing

wearing too much jewelry

You have to know how much jewelry is likewise much. There is an old saying that "jewelry is that last thing that yous put on but the first thing that yous meet."

Make sure that you lot tastefully accessorize with your outfits.

Nix should overpower your clothes. Each accessory should compliment the entire look. While Mr. T was a stud, he doesn't represent the dapper admirer. Recall, less is more.

Another consideration is the type of outfit. You may exist able to get away with certain types and amounts of jewelry with different looks. For example, earrings are not ordinarily accepted when wearing a suit – but if you're at the football game with the guys – go for it.

4. Wearing Jewelry Unbalanced

Jewelry that is unbalanced is the cousin to over-accessorizing as it can draw too much attention to one side/role of your body.

A neat instance is necklaces. Many guys volition stack two or 3 necklaces on acme of each other. This throws off the look because the eye is focused on the jewelry instead of the whole outfit. Not to mention stacking them crowds the neckline. This is not the proper way to vesture necklaces.


Wrist wear is another great example. If you're a guy who likes smaller watches, don't wear bulky bracelets on the other wrist. Information technology will make yous look lopsided and uneven – once again diverting attention from the look as a whole. The important thing is to make certain that all accessories maintain an equilibrium of sorts.

One style to throw off the balance is my mixing the metals. Try as best as possible to continue them the same. If y'all are wearing a 2-toned bracelet spotter, highlight the dominant metallic with your other accessories.

5. Not Choosing All-time Pieces of Jewelry for Your Pare Tone

choosing right jewelry colors to match your skin tone

Each ane of united states of america has undertones in our peel that will expect great with certain metals and textiles. The manner that you determine what metal looks all-time on you is to try on pieces. Use the following tips to make up one's mind your skin tone:

Look at you skin in natural light and find a spot wear veins are noticeable (your wrist is unremarkably a good choice)

Blue or purple veins = cool skin tone

Green veins = warm skin tone

Blueish, green, AND purple veins = neutral pare tone

Once you accept determined whether yous take warm or cool undertones, it's relatively easy to match the proper metal with your skin.

Cool skin tones expect best in lite metals = white gilt, platinum, or silver

Warm peel tones work not bad with yellow metals = yellow golden, rose gilded, brass

Neutral pare tones = white and yellow metals

6. Assuming That All Jewelry Is Feminine

wearing jewelry is historically masculine

Permit me exist clear – jewelry is not feminine.

There are certain styles that may be considered less masculine than others but to say that all are for the softer sex is simply non truthful. Let's have a historical perspective for a minute.

  • The Pope's ring (Band of the Fisherman) is a symbol of ability and authorisation. Information technology was the papal method used to seal official documents from the Vatican.
  • Egyptian pharaohs from the Eighteenth Dynasty were known for their wesesks which were collars/necklaces and were given to officials and dignitaries – likewise equally soldiers – as a mark of honor.
  • Many companies and organizations used to give watches to guys as a retirement souvenir to memorialize the fourth dimension and stellar endeavour that they put in on the job.
  • Armed services personnel wear, and concord in high regard, their dog tags.
  • In the 1600's British noblemen used ribbons to tie the cuffs of their shirts which became the forerunner to cufflinks.
  • Male bracelets date dorsum to 3000 B.C. and before – warriors and shamans wore them to ward off evil

I could go on forever simply history has shown the states that men wearing jewelry is the picture of masculinity and in some cases "badassery". At the terminate of the day it'south all about functionality, preference, and manner. Wear it with confidence and that sentiment will translate to everyone else.

seven. Not Wearing Jewelry In Proportion To Your Body

If you are 6'6" and 265lbs., don't walk around in a hair thin bracelet that is cutting into your wrist. On the other hand (pun intended) if you are a microgent, a spotter with a 50mm bezel is probably not the ane for you. It'due south important that you wear the size of jewelry that fits your body. There is no hard and fast rule to apply but hither are some full general guidelines:

  • Broad cervix requires a longer necklace
  • Wide wrist or big hands tin handle a larger lookout or bigger bracelets
  • Big hands/fingers expect good with bigger rings – pocket-size rings might go lost on the finger
  • Undersized guys can take smaller pieces of the jewelry
wearing right jewelry proportions

Jewelry is an enhancement to a human'south outfit. Non wearing accessories is similar having a steak without the seasoning. The food tin can nevertheless be good, just the flavor is enhanced when the correct (amount and type) of spices are added to it. It's the same with accessories.

Avoid these mistakes and don't be afraid to experiment until yous get comfortable with the right pieces that work for yous. Think, you can never become wrong with simple even so elegant pieces.

 Click below to sentinel the video – 7 Jewelry Mistakes Men Make:

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