Old Fashioned Peach Cobbler Made With Fresh Peaches

If you are someone that loves succulent sugariness peaches combined with a crispy top then this Easy Old Fashioned Peach Cobbler is the perfect after dinner dessert recipe.

I don't know why, but this dessert always reminds me of summer! Maybe it's because some of my favorite fruits come around during the summer months.

Things similar watermelon, cherries, peaches, plums and an assortment of berries. Some of the best desserts are made with fruits like our Orange Cranberry Scones.

I'm a fruit eater and love nothing more than keeping my kitchen full of fresh fruits. This year the peaches looked delectable. They were plump and fragrant and had the sweetest bite in had the sweetest bite to them.

In the summertime months, my favorite thing to exercise is to invite a bunch of girlfriends over for some summer dessert. This year I give my friends and options of desserts to have for our desserts to take for our "daughter conversation" get-togethers. Peach cobbler won by a landslide.

This peachy peach cobbler recipe came out juicy, succulent, with just the right amount of sweet baked with a gilt biscuit like topping. It just needed to add together some ice cream! Oh expect, yous'll don't forget to employ a big spoon when you eat it. You'll desire to go a big bite of peach, topping and ice foam!

Want a perfect peach cobbler recipe? Then this may be the best cobbler y'all've e'er had. Fabricated with fresh peaches and a crispy top, there is no ameliorate dessert dish.

If the ooey-gooey goodness isn't enough, this dessert is alluvion with fresh peach flavor.

Cobbler Peach

What Kind of Peaches are Best Peaches for Making a Cobbler?

I love fresh peaches, but the all-time thing almost this recipe is that information technology'south easy to make and you lot can use any peaches. Frozen or canned will do in a pinch.

If using canned peaches, be sure to drain all the juice out of the peaches.

I like to leave the skin on the peaches. Today I cutting them into chunks and made my peach cobbler in half the time. It was delicious! Past baking the peaches, it softens the skin so no 1 could ever tell that the peaches however had the skins on them.

However, y'all tin can easily remove the skins if you prefer.

What'south the Easiest Way to Pare the Pare off Peaches?

While I don't peel the skins off peaches for my cobblers, I know that some people don't like the skins.

I've had some success with boiling the peaches then placing into cold water with mixed results.

Sometimes the skins sideslip off, sometimes I have to cut them off.

If you'd like to have the skins off when blistering your cobbler, the best mode to peel peaches is to place them in a big pot of boiling water for near 20 to 30 seconds or until the skin splits.

Remove with a spoon.

Immediately identify information technology into a in water ice-water bath to cool the peaches and stop the cooking process.

Use a paring knife to skin the pare. It should hands peel off.

How to Remove the Pits from Peaches

Cut the peach and one-half cutting around the pit.

Twist the 2 halves in contrary directions to dissever.

Use a abrupt knife to loosen and remove the pit from the centers.

How to make Easy Old Fashioned Peach Cobbler:

Filling Ingredients:

  • ⅓ c. white sugar
  • 2 T fresh lemon juice
  • ii t. all-purpose flour
  • 1 t. kosher salt
  • i t. nutmeg
  • 1 t. cinnamon
  • one t. real vanilla excerpt
  • ¼ c. packed brown sugar

Topping Ingredients:

  •  i c. all-purpose flour
  • ¾ c. sugar, divided
  • 1 t. kosher table salt
  • i t. baking powder
  • ¼ loving cup heavy cream
  • ¼ cup h2o
  • 8 T. unsalted butter, very well chilled
  • i egg white, browbeaten with water added


(Scroll down for the consummate recipe bill of fare.)

1. Place the top oven rack in the center position and pre-heat oven to 400°F.

2. Add peaches, sugar, lemon juice, flour, table salt, nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla excerpt to a large bowl and toss to combine.

three. Transfer to a greased viii" 10 viii" blistering pan and spread into an fifty-fifty layer. Sprinkle dark-brown sugar on top of peach mixture before placing pan in pre-heated oven. Bake for 10 minutes.

Mixing Peach Cobbler

4. Add flour, ½ cup sugar, common salt, and baking powder to a different bowl and stir to combine. Chop chilled butter into very small pieces with a sharp knife. Add to bowl and combine with dry ingredients with your fingers until small pebble-sized pieces are formed.

5. Add heavy cream and water to the flour mixture and stir with a fork until all the dry ingredients are moist and somewhat gluey. Do not overwork dough.

six. Remove baking pan from oven and carefully spoon dough over the peak, making sure the dough is the same thickness throughout. Leave spaces in betwixt, as pictured, for a more rustic look.

vii. Return to oven and bake for another 10-15 minutes, or until the topping begins to brown. Remove from oven and brush the top with the egg white wash and sprinkle remaining carbohydrate on tiptop. Return to oven to finish baking, another 10-xv minutes. Remove from oven when the top is golden brown.

Baking Peach Cobbler

8. Allow pan to cool slightly before serving on its ain or topped with whipped foam or ice foam.

Peach Cobbler

Printable Recipe Easy Old Fashioned Peach Cobbler

Prep Time 15 minutes

Melt Time 25 minutes 20 seconds

Total Time 40 minutes 20 seconds


  • 8 big, ripe peaches, pitted and chopped
  • ⅓ c. white carbohydrate
  • two T fresh lemon juice
  • 2 t. all-purpose flour
  • 1 t. kosher salt
  • i t. nutmeg
  • i t. cinnamon
  • 1 t. real vanilla extract
  • ¼ c. packed brown sugar

Topping Ingredients

  • 1 c. all-purpose flour
  • ¾ c. saccharide, divided
  • one t. kosher table salt
  • 1 t. baking powder
  • ¼ cup heavy cream
  • ¼ cup water
  • viii T. unsalted butter, very well chilled
  • ane egg white, beaten with water added


    1.Identify the top oven rack in the center position and pre-rut oven to 400°F.

    2.Add peaches, sugar, lemon juice, flour, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla extract to a big basin and toss to combine.

    iii.Transfer to a greased 8" x 8" blistering pan and spread into an fifty-fifty layer. Sprinkle brown sugar on top of peach mixture earlier placing pan in pre-heated oven. Bake for ten minutes.

    four.Add flour, ½ loving cup sugar, common salt, and baking powder to a unlike bowl and stir to combine. Chop chilled butter into very small pieces with a sharp knife. Add to bowl and combine with dry ingredients with your fingers until small pebble-sized pieces are formed.

    5.Add together heavy foam and water to the flour mixture and stir with a fork until all the dry ingredients are moist and somewhat sticky. Do non overwork dough.

    6.Remove baking pan from oven and advisedly spoon dough over the superlative, making sure the dough is the same thickness throughout. Leave spaces in between, as pictured, for a more rustic look.

    7.Return to oven and broil for another 10-15 minutes, or until the topping begins to brown. Remove from oven and brush the top with the egg white launder and sprinkle remaining saccharide on top. Return to oven to finish blistering, some other ten-15 minutes. Remove from oven when the top is golden brownish.

    8.Permit pan to absurd slightly before serving on its own or topped with whipped cream or ice cream.

Easy Old Fashioned Peach Cobbler

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